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Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy and Relations with the EU

Thursday, 05 December 2019


Farid Shafiyev, Director Center of Analysis of International Relations, Baku

Tural Ganjaliyev, Head of the Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh Community

Denis Danilidis , Head of the Political Section, EU Delegation to Azerbaijan 

Dennis Sammut, Director, LINKS

Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre

Since regaining its independence in 1991, Azerbaijan has been following a pragmatic foreign policy, balancing relations with different powers. While Baku has strengthened ties with the Euro-Atlantic community, in particular the EU and NATO, it has also endeavoured to maintain good relations with its powerful neighbours, in particular, Russia and Iran.
Over the past two decades, relations with the EU have gradually deepened. The country is part of the Eastern Partnership and is currently negotiating a new framework agreement with the EU. Furthermore, Azerbaijan has played an important role in EU efforts to strengthen its energy security, not least vis-à-vis the Southern Energy Corridor.
At this roundtable, speakers will focus on the main priorities and challenges in Azerbaijan’s foreign policy, including relations with the EU and other key partners.

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