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Policy Dialogue
TTIP and emerging market economies - Launching the debate

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – or TTIP – between the EU and the US have attracted an unprecedented level of attention. While many aspects of the foreseen agreement are the subject of fierce discussion both in the US and Europe, emerging – and ‘emerged’ – markets have their own issues; it’s not yet really clear how the implementation of TTIP will affect other economies in the world, and some fear that the introduction of a “new golden standard of free trade deals” will cause a shift in global value chains, create unfair competition, or force others to implement regulation similar to that under TTIP in order to keep up. At this Policy Dialogue, policymakers and other stakeholders discussed how the agreement is seen by other global economic actors and started the debate on the global impact of TTIP.

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