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A fair and thriving EU digital ecosystem

Designing policies that increase EU growth and EU-US cooperation
The European Commission’s proposals for Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts (DSA - DMA) are major landmarks in the development of the EU’s digital strategy. The Commission’s ambition to regulate big tech comes against the backdrop of a changing of the guard in the White House, and renewed efforts to revive transatlantic co-operation.

The European Policy Centre, in partnership with Apple, responds to these developments with a project that will take a closer look at (1) the proposal for a Digital Markets Act, (2) the impact of the Digital Services Act legislative package for European SMEs, and (3) EU-US cooperation in digital matters. It will include a series of expert roundtables conducted under Chatham House rules, a public policy dialogue and a discussion paper, to be concluded within the first half of 2021.


Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Studies
Institutional reform, poly-crisis, differentiated integration, enlargement, reform of economic governance
Policy Analyst
EU digital agenda, EU strategic autonomy, industry 4.0, disruptive technologies, civil society (digital populism, social polarisation), Liberalism

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