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Technological changes in EU security & defence: What are the implications for the military workforce?

Tuesday 19 March 2019  00:00 - 00:00

The emergence of new technologies, discussing the new skillsets for the jobs of tomorrow and assessing the preparedness of the military workforce.

Automation, artificial intelligence and digitalisation are transforming the world of work in profound and significant ways. The magnitude of the disruptions caused by new technologies varies across industries and sections of the labour market. In this workshop participants discussed the impact in the security and defence sector, while highlighting the possible risks and opportunities it will raise for the military workforce. Several speakers coming from academia, research institutes and trade unions presented their views on the extent to which emerging technologies are changing the work and tasks of the military workforce and requiring a new set of skills. They also debated the preparation of the workforce and of the industry as a whole and pointed out to the need for new training practices. The debate stressed the importance of prioritising the experience of military personnel fighting on the ground, while also touching on problems in the acquisition procedures and the need to harness the expertise of other industries.

Speakers included: Mihai Palimariciuc, Junior Policy Analyst, Social Europe & Well-being Programme, European Policy Centre; Lucia Retter, Senior Analyst, RAND; Maaike Verbruggen, Researcher, Institute for European Studies, Vrije University of Brussels; Flemming Vinther, Board member, EUROMIL and Chairman, Trade Union of Enlisted Privates and Corporals of the Danish Army; and Paulina Zamelek, Research Fellow, Casimir Pulaski Foundation. The welcome address was given by Emmanuel Jacob, President of EUROMIL and the event was chaired by Claire Dhéret, Head of Programme, Social Europe & Well-being Programme, European Policy Centre.

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