The EPC is independent of the EU and national institutions and of all vested interests. It is non-partisan, focussing on policy solutions without political affiliation.
Excellence, relevance and innovation
The EPC works at the centre of European and global policymaking providing its members and the wider public with rapid, high-quality information and flexible analysis of the EU and global policy agenda. It focuses on providing implementable, timely, flexible and relevant policy recommendations, taking a critical but constructive approach. It champions new ideas and solutions, as well as new ways of engaging with and involving stakeholders and citizens.
Cross-cutting and long-term solutions
The EPC aims to promote coherent, holistic and strategic policymaking by making links between and across different policy areas and policymakers, connecting policies across silos in a multi-disciplinary way. It focuses on long-term sustainable solutions, especially in areas of critical importance for the future of European integration, Europe's role in the world and people's well-being. It does this by analysing emerging trends and developments that can inform and improve current and future policies and strategies, taking account of the global environment which is impacting the EU and its member states.
Multi-constituency and inclusive
The EPC aims to promote a balanced dialogue between the different constituencies of its membership, spanning all areas of economic and social life, including companies, professional and business federations, trade unions, diplomatic missions, regional and local bodies, as well as NGOs representing different civil society interests, foundations and religious organisations. The EPC recognises that the European integration process requires effective multi-level governance at international, European, national and regional/local levels and aims to reach citizens and national/regional stakeholders who are not regularly engaged with the EU.
The EPC is committed to providing a work environment in which all staff are treated equally regardless of gender identity, age, disability, race, nationality, ethnicity, civil status, religious convictions and beliefs, sexual orientation, family composition as well as geographical location and socio-economic background. Our organisational culture and values reflect this commitment and provide an umbrella of shared values and behaviours that guide how we aspire to work together to create a shared sense of purpose and identity. The organisational culture shapes the kinds of leadership style that the EPC aspires to and provides the framework around which management and planning decisions are taken, and builds accountability for them. The EPC has adopted
10 Values that outline our organisational culture. The principles of Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) have been embedded into our Organisational Development Plan which consist of eight objectives with detailed workplans.
The EPC is committed to building partnerships to enable transnationalised debate on key policy issues and ensure a broad-based, balanced approach. It works with think tanks and policy institutes in the member states, exchanging ideas and producing joint policy recommendations. By reaching out to experts beyond Brussels, the EPC is helping bridge the gap between policy- and decision-makers at the EU level and civil society.
Ethically-conducted research
As a signatory of the
STEP Accord for ethical policy advice, the EPC is committed to conducting its work ethically, responsibly, and with integrity. This includes the use of high-quality research, analysis and evidence, transparency as to how the high quality of evidence is assured and independence and integrity of the EPC and our analysts. The EPC sees these principles as conditional to reliable and ethical policy advice and, therefore for evidence-based policy-making. The EPC Governing Board adopted the STEP Accord in June 2021.

You can find the full text of the Accord