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Project Presidency - German Council Presidency 2020

Connecting Brussels and Berlin
Germany took over the EU Council Presidency in extraordinary times, only a few months after the outbreak of Covid-19 in Europe, and with the economic, social and political consequences of the pandemic posing a severe stress test to EU cohesion and capacity to act. The recovery plan was placed at the heart of the German ‘Corona-Presidency’, aiming that the EU would come back stronger and more united after the health crisis. Besides that, climate protection, strengthening the role of the EU in the world and future EU-UK relations were as well among the German priorities.

Between July and December 2020, the EPC teamed up with the Berlin-based think tank German Council for Foreign Relations (DGAP) and organised a series of events on various issues, including the German leadership in Europe, the EU Recovery Fund, EU-UK relations, EU policy towards China, and the Green Deal. This edition of Project Presidency was funded by Stiftung Mercator.



Former Connecting Europe Project Leader and Senior Policy Analyst
European integration, German and French EU policy, Franco-German relations, EU party politics, democracy, rule of law and civil society

Junior Project Manager Connecting Europe

Democracy, youth and education, diversity and gender equality

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