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China / SPEECH
EPC - MERICS Keynote Address: Ursula von der Leyen
By European Policy Centre - 30/03/2023
Security & defence / POLICY DIALOGUE
EPC High-Level Policy Dialogue: Josep Borrell
By European Policy Centre - 15/05/2023
Ukraine’s partners must commit to Russia’s defeat
By Lev Zinchenko - 17/10/2024
Migration / COMMENTARY
A make-or-break moment for the common European asylum system?
By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt - 16/10/2024
Security & defence / COMMENTARY
How can Europe be ready for the Quantum Age?
By Chris Kremidas-Courtney - 15/10/2024
China / OP-ED
The Chinese EV tariffs are here. What now?
By Varg Folkman - 11/10/2024


Ukraine’s partners must commit to Russia’s defeatBy Lev Zinchenko - 17/10/2024
Migration / COMMENTARY
A make-or-break moment for the common European asylum system?By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt - 16/10/2024
Security & defence / COMMENTARY
How can Europe be ready for the Quantum Age? By Chris Kremidas-Courtney - 15/10/2024


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The European Policy Centre is an independent, not-for-profit think tank dedicated to fostering European integration through analysis and debate, supporting and challenging European decision-makers at all levels to make informed decisions based on sound evidence and analysis, and providing a platform for engaging partners, stakeholders and citizens in EU policymaking and in the debate about the future of Europe.


"I would like to congratulate the European Policy Centre on its recent 25th anniversary. From the outset, you have been a truly European voice in the world of policy and academia. This spirit is very much in the image of one of your founders and one of Europe's most unheralded fathers – Max Kohnstamm. Max Kohnstamm lived through personal trauma and tragedy during the Second World War. This experience inspired him to dedicate his life to building a united Europe and his commitment to creating a better understanding between people lives on through Europe's think-tank community."
Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
"We, Ukrainians, are ready to contribute to any debate on enlargement. The European Policy Centre and many other think tanks are already developing new ideas and proposals, and we are ready to contribute too."
Olha Stefanishyna
Deputy PM for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine
"In a time when global affairs are becoming harder to decrypt – and in an era where facts are routinely challenged – the work that think tanks do has never been more important for Europe. Because it is only by having a deeper understanding of the world as it really is – not as we may wish it to be that we can develop better-informed policies. This is why I believe think tanks are an essential part of our democracy."
Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
"I want to thank the EPC for all the analytical work your institution is doing for Ukraine. Your excellent research covers many important topics for our country, including reforms, European aspirations, or, unfortunately, today, Russian aggression. Thank you once again for all you are doing. I am sure that in five years, we will celebrate your 30th Jubilee together. Ukraine will be a member of the EU, Ukraine will be a member of NATO, and together we will be sitting and thinking about the future of a united Europe."
Ihor Zhovkva
Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine
"Congratulations to the EPC on its 25th anniversary. The world was quite different back then. 25 years ago, the climate crisis was something people spoke about, but it didn't dominate our politics in any way or form. 25 years ago, I don't think anyone would have thought that we would be in a war in Europe right now. Still, 25 years ago, although the disillusion with what was happening in Russia was already great. Most people thought that this would not get completely out of hand, 25 years ago…
Frans Timmermans
Executive Vice President of the European Commission
"At such an important juncture for both the European and the global economy, the EPC's critical analyses and ideas are needed more than ever."
Paolo Gentiloni
Commissioner for Economy
"The EPC proposals on the reform of economic governance marry ambition and realism: they push the frontier of coordination and “togetherness” whilst considering that in Europe, we need to accept to remain in a second-best world. Nonetheless, the EU and the EA would become considerably stronger and better equipped to face an increasingly uncertain future if such proposals were pursued."
Marco Buti
Head of Cabinet for the Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni
"Over the first 25 years of excellent work by the European Policy Centre, the abbreviation EPC has also come to stand for Enlightening, Participatory, Constructive. Under these guiding stars, I wish you a brilliant future: Ad multos annos."
Reinhard Bütikofer
Member of the European Parliament
"I want to take this opportunity to thank the EPC for its excellent service to the EU in the past 24 years. It's impressive! Thank you very much – we all count on your reports. They are read by politicians all over Europe."
Ana Paula Zacarias
Secretary of State for European Affairs, Portugal
"The contribution of the EPC task force to explore the potential of digitalisation on the circular economy has been fundamental in opening new areas of work and identifying possible barriers."
Frans Timmermans
European Commission
"I am particularly grateful to the excellent group of experts that have contributed to EPC publication 'Towards an ambitious, broad, deep and flexible EU-UK partnership?'. Thanks to them, the political, economic and social intricacies of the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union can be understood more broadly."
Michel Barnier
Chief Brexit negotiator for the EU
"I think the EPC is doing excellent work and I’m honoured to be part of its Strategic Council."
Anthony L. Gardner
Former Ambassador of the United States to the European Union
"It’s a pleasure to speak at the European Policy Centre – an organisation which for almost two decades has been at the forefront of discussions on the European Union – leading the debate on issues such as the EU’s place in the world, migration and diversity, and the promotion of economic growth."
Nicola Sturgeon
First Minister of Scotland
"For over 20 years, the European Policy Centre has been at the centre of the debate on Europe. Your ideas, your thoughts, and sometimes your dreams have helped shape the future of the European Union."
Jean-Claude Juncker
Former President of the European Commission
"I applaud the EPC for putting “the future of work” at the heart of the public debate. The digital revolution is one of the defining challenges of our time, with profound effects on our societies, our social systems and our citizens. I’m sure this issue paper will inspire national and European policymakers in their search for concrete solutions."
Joost Korte
Director-General at the European Commission
"Enjoyed presenting the new 'better regulation agenda' this afternoon at the European Policy Centre. Great questions from the audience, a cross-section of diplomats, NGOs, think tanks, officials, journalists – people who really know Brussels inside out."
Frans Timmermans
Vice-President European Commission
"Themes in this report go at the heart of the priorities of the Finnish presidency. Social sustainability is key to the many transformations the EU is facing during the next decade. For evidence-based policymaking, reports like this are extremely valuable."
Timo Harakka
Finnish Minister of Employment
"I rarely have read such good quality, comprehensive and clear publication on Future of Work. I really congratulate the authors of this useful and constructive publication, 'Future of Work'."
Nicolas Schmit
Commissioner of Jobs and Social Rights
"The European Policy Centre was the natural choice for me to set out my priorities for the new mandate in the field of taxation. Offering incisive analysis, an extensive network and impeccable organisation, the EPC is the key hub for stakeholder engagement in Brussels."
Paolo Gentiloni
Commissioner for Economy

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