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Eric Maurice
Policy Analyst
Eric Maurice is a Policy Analyst in the European Politics and Institutions programme.

Before joining the EPC, he was head of the Brussels office of the Robert Schuman Foundation, a French think tank, where he worked on EU institutional developments, rule of law and strategic issues. Prior to that, he was a journalist for almost 20 years. He spent a long time at Courrier International, a weekly news magazine in Paris, where he successively followed French affairs, US domestic and foreign policy, and UK affairs. He then held the positions of Europe Editor and Editor-in-Chief in charge of Presseurop, a European project for a multilingual news website on European affairs.

After moving to Brussels, he was Editor-in-Chief of the EUobserver news website, where he followed in particular the 2015 Greek crisis and Brexit negotiations. He covered European Councils and the work of the EU Council presidencies.

Eric holds a MPhil in Contemporary History of International Relations from the Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University and graduated from the Paris Higer School of Journalism. He is also an alumni from the Executive Course in European Studies of France’s National School of Administration (ENA) and from France’s Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence (IHEDN).


European Politics and Institutions


REGROUP, EP Elections Task Force

Areas of expertise

EU institutions and governance, future of Europe, rule of law, democracy, France, strategic agenda

Current positions

Policy Analyst


MPhil in Contemporary History of International Relations, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University
MA in Journalism, Paris Higher School of Journalism
BA in Contemporary History, University of Poitiers


French, English, German, Spanish



European elections / REPORT
More diverse than united? A comparative analysis of the EU elections 2024
By Sophie Pornschlegel , Eric Maurice , Marc-Olivier Padis , Daniel Schade , Maria Skóra - 03/10/2024
With Barnier, France is more committed to the EU but less predictable
By Eric Maurice - 03/10/2024
Climate & energy / DISCUSSION PAPER
Empowering citizens in Europe’s green transition: The role of digital solutions
By Laura Rayner , Berta López Domènech , Brooke Moore , Eric Maurice - 25/06/2024
Strategic foresight
Making the EU fit for the permacrisis
By Laura Rayner , Philipp Lausberg , Eric Maurice - 19/06/2024


France / PODCAST
Political stalemate leaves France scrambling for a leader
Eric Maurice was interviewed on Australia’s ABC Radio National about the resignation of the French government and the failure of the left to agree on a candidate for Prime minister.

Listen here!

Political stalemate leaves France scrambling for a leader
17 July 2024 - ,
Brussels, my love? Freak-out over French vote
Eric Maurice participated in Euronews’ weekly programme Brussels, my love? to discuss the political situation in France and EU-UK relations.

Watch here!

Brussels, my love? Freak-out over French vote
13 July 2024 - ,
Les Patriotes pour l’Europe n’auront pas le poids qu’ils espèrent au Parlement européen
Eric Maurice was quoted in Geneva daily Le Temps about the new far-right group in the European Parliament and the influence it could have.

Read here!

Les Patriotes pour l’Europe n’auront pas le poids qu’ils espèrent au Parlement européen
11 July 2024 - ,

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