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Raúl Villegas
Junior Policy Analyst
Raul Villegas is a Junior Policy Analyst in the Europe in the World Programme, focusing on EU-Asia relations, EU foreign policy, international trade, and geoeconomics.

Before joining the EPC as a Programme Assistant, Raul was a Schuman Trainee at the European Parliament and worked at the European Commission. He also gained experience as an academic assistant and junior lecturer at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and as a research assistant at the University of Chicago.

Raúl holds a B.A. in Linguistics and English Literature from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Cambridge University, and an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Chicago, where he was a Fulbright scholar.


Europe in the World


EU-China Think Tank Exchanges; EPC Talks Geopolitics

Areas of expertise

International trade,geoeconomics, security, great power competition, East Asia, Central Asia, and the Indo-Pacific

Current positions

Junior Policy Analyst


M.A. in International Relations, University of Chicago
Erasmus+ Exchange, Cambridge University
B.A. Linguistics and English Literature, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Spanish, English, French, German, Romanian, japanese (basic)



EU-Mongolia Relations: Toward a Strategic Partnership
By Raúl Villegas - 17/06/2024
Strategic foresight / OUTLOOK PAPER
Europe in the world in 2024: From voting to geopolitics
By Amanda Paul , Jamie Shea , Ivano di Carlo , Shada Islam , Helena Hahn , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Ricardo Borges de Castro , Elizabeth Kuiper , Svitlana Taran , Iana Maisuradze , Berta López Domènech , Giulia Torchio , Raúl Villegas - 21/02/2024

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