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Making EU industry fit for the future: The strategic importance of standards

Thursday, 10 September 2020


Elena Santiago Cid
Director-General, CEN and CENELEC
Filip Geerts
Director General, European Association of Machine Tool & related Manufacturing Technologies (CECIMO)
Joaquim Nunes de Almeida
Director ‘Goods in the Single Market and Enforcement’, DG Grow, European Commission
Malte Lohan
Director General, Orgalim, Europe’s Technology Industries
Neviana Nikoloski
Chair of the ETSI General Assembly


Malcolm Harbour
Senior Adviser, European Policy Centre

Standardization is a key element for a well-functioning single market. During the Covid-19 pandemic, standards have been essential to ensure the provision of urgently needed equipment. During this discussion panelists focused on the standardization process, which, over the years, has been considered a success, given its market-driven and voluntary character. Industry has always been fully involved in standardization, providing its technical knowledge. Following the “James Elliot” ruling of the European Court of Justice in 2016, the European Commission interpreted more widely its own responsibilities with regard to the assessment of harmonized standards. Panelists set out their different positions on the Commission’s new approach, arguing that this has led to a heavier administrative burden and delays.

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