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Mid-cap task force: Investment and financing needs

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

On 28 June 2022, the EPC hosted an initial scoping roundtable on the Mid-cap taskforce. This event brought together around 25 participants for a first Chatham House discussion to shed light on the importance of this enterprise segment for the EU’s economy. The discussion laid the ground for the task force - a multi-year project structured along several workstreams.  

This will be the first roundtable of the workstream on “Policy options to help businesses meet investment and financing needs”. 

For the second time in two years, the European Union’s economy has been disrupted by a massive exogenous shock. Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has drastically altered the European economic environment, causing a sharp rise in commodity and energy prices, supply chain bottlenecks and trade disruptions. Against this backdrop, firms’ profits are being hit, compromising their cash and solvency positions. 

The tightening of the ECB’s monetary policy also adds to firms’ vulnerabilities. Access to finance is becoming an issue, and it is necessary to ensure sufficient investments remain on track for the twin green and digital transitions.  

The new economic context has affected all types of enterprises, including Mid-caps, operating in the gap between SMEs and large businesses. However, unlike the latter, Mid-caps are usually not targeted by tailored policies despite contributing substantially to the EU’s economic performance. The Mid-cap taskforce will explore the possibilities to fill this gap.  

This roundtable will discuss the economic outlook and how it impacts businesses’ access to finance and investment decisions. The discussion will consider the different financing options for enterprises, focusing on the European policy options for the immediate and medium term. 

The roundtable will be held under Chatham House Rule. Participants will take part in a closed-door discussion at the EPC’s premises (Rue du Trône, 14-16, Brussels), followed by a light lunch and networking. 

This event is upon invitation only. If you are interested in participating, please contact Francesco De Angelis (
As seating is limited, registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

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