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Sixty Minute Briefing
Wales’ new relationship with the EU in the Brexit era

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Brexit poses unprecedented challenges, not only for the United Kingdom as a whole but also for its constituent countries. Although Wales has received less attention than Northern Ireland and Scotland, it too will have to adjust to the new reality and redefine its relationship with the EU. The loss of EU subsidies and any frictions in trade with the EU will hit the Welsh economy, which lags behind the United Kingdom as a whole. Big firms such as Airbus – which employs over 6,000 people in Broughton – have already issued stark warnings about the impact of a ‘no-deal Brexit’. Politically, Brexit raises questions around the devolution of powers over policy areas such as agriculture.

Against this backdrop, Adam Price, the new Leader of Plaid Cymru/Party of Wales, reflected on the impact of Brexit on Wales and the prospects for the country’s new relationship with the EU. He also discussed Wales' response to the draft Withdrawal Agreement and whether any boost for the Scottish independence campaign will lead to a similar push in Wales.

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