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Cause or trigger? - The link between migration and populism

Wednesday, 06 February 2019

Since 2015, populist narratives have gained ever more visibility in European member states. In connection, far right-wing statements on migration have found increasing traction in mainstream discourses. In this context, European democracies are under pressure to deal with the rise of far right populism and a generally growing distrust in the liberal foundation of our societies. In the run-up to the European Parliament elections of May 2019, migration is again expected to take a dominant role in election campaigns and political discussions. Against this background, the policy dialogue focused on the role of migration being either a trigger or a root cause of the rise of populist forces across Europe. Speakers also reflected on the need for stronger awareness by policy makers and media outlets on the ways populism shapes the discourse on migration. Drawing also on the annual report of MIDEM (the Mercator Forum for Migration and Democracy), recommendations were provided on how facts-based communication about migration can be strengthened at both European and national levels. Speakers include: Hans Vorländer, Director MIDEM & Director at the Centre for the Study of Constitutionalism and Democracy, TU Dresden, Jean Lambert, Member of the European Parliament, Aidan White, Founder & President, Ethical Journalism Network, Milica Petrovic, Communication Adviser; Member of Cabinet, European Commission, Marie De Somer Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre.

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