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Achieving a fair transition to 2050: A century of ideas for supporting workers

Thursday 09 September 2021  14:00 - 15:00


Alison Crabb
Head of Unit, Skills and Qualifications, DG Employment, European Commission
Corinna Zierold
Senior Policy Advisor, IndustriAll
Marta Musso
Visiting Research Fellow, Kings College London
Pauline Anderson
Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde


Thijs Vandenbussche
Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre

The second workshop held under the collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung gave emphasis on the lessons learned from past transitions in terms of supporting workers and the labour market, and discussed the drivers and barriers for reskilling/upskilling workers in the shift towards a transformed industry. The discussion complemented a first workshop which took place in July 2021, which focused on the lessons learned from past transitions in terms of governance and collaboration with stakeholders and different government levels. Participants coming from various sectors stressed the need of building a general concept for ‘green jobs’ as well as the need for policy makers to promote mapping and monitoring of newly created jobs related to the sustainable transformation. Furthermore, lessons learned from the recession following the 2008 financial crisis were addressed and participants stressed the need to invest in adult reskilling and upskilling initiatives.

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