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How the EU and US can advance the green transition along with energy and resource security

Transatlantic affairs / POLICY BRIEF
Annika Hedberg , Olga Khakova

Date: 07/08/2023

The benefits of enhanced transatlantic cooperation on the green agenda are immense — and waiting to be seized. At the Ministerial Meeting in Sweden in May, the EU and US reiterated their commitment for collaboration. While progress on the EU-US Trade & Technology Council’s (TTC) green agenda has been slow, it is now time to implement this commitment.

This Policy Brief provides recommendations for the TTC for turning shared principles into joint action, with a focus on the following three areas:

1. Aligning climate and sustainability ambitions with security and geoeconomic goals;

2. Building on the power of technologies and developing common standards for the green transition and energy and resource security;

3. Ensuring access to resources needed for the green transition.

In conclusion, the Paper calls for the TTC to assist the EU and the US in stepping up their joint efforts in addressing environmental challenges as well as enhancing climate action, resource and energy security through trade and technology solutions. It recognises the role the platform should play in opening the transatlantic market for products and services needed to accelerate the green transition.

Read the full paper here.
Photo credits:
Jonas Ekstromer / TT News Agency / AFP

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