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Transatlantic affairs / PODCAST

The Language of Power:How to unleash a European defence surge?

In this episode of the EPC's foreign affairs and policy podcast 'Language of Power', we discuss the aftermath of the informal retreat on defence that occurred on February 3rd, with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte in attendance. Crucial questions were addressed, such as Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, which is about to enter its fourth year and threatens Europe’s security, as well as its increasingly covert war against Europe in general.

With Paul Taylor, EPC's senior visiting fellow for the Europe in the World programme and podcast host, Juraj Majcin, policy analysts for the Europe in the World programme and Maria Martisiute, policy analyst for the Transnationalisation programme at the EPC.

This Podcast is part of the EPC's Europe in the World Programme.

With Maria Martisiute , Juraj Majcin , Paul Taylor


Transatlantic affairs / PODCAST

The Language of Power: What Trump’s Comeback Means for the EU’s Security and Foreign Policy

In this episode of the EPC's foreign affairs and policy podcast 'Language of Power', we discuss what's next for Europe in light of Trump's second presidency regarding security and foreign policy. How can the EU best address Trump's numerous threats and strengthen its defence and security capabilities? How will this impact Ukraine? Will the EU finally step-up and deliver?

With Paul Taylor, EPC's senior visiting fellow for the Europe in the World programme and podcast host and Almut Möller, EPC's Director for European and Global Affairs and head of the Europe in the World programme.

This Podcast is part of the EPC's Europe in the World Programme.

With Almut Möller , Paul Taylor



Transatlantic affairs / COMMENTARY
Overcoming a hollow & illusory unity – Preparing EUrope for Trump
By Fabian Zuleeg , Janis A. Emmanouilidis , Almut Möller - 08/11/2024
Transatlantic affairs / EXTERNAL PUBLICATION
Transatlantic Guardrails: Fostering sustainable EU-US relations
By Ricardo Borges de Castro - 17/11/2023
Transatlantic affairs / COMMENTARY
The EU-US summit: Time to focus on geopolitics
By Georg Riekeles , Frances G. Burwell - 20/10/2023
Transatlantic affairs / PUBLICATION
Here’s what to expect on China, AI, green energy, and more when EU and US officials meet in Sweden
By Annika Hedberg , Georg Riekeles , Philipp Lausberg , Frances G. Burwell , Olga Khakova - 30/05/2023
Transatlantic affairs / DISCUSSION PAPER
The US-EU Trade and Technology Council: Assessing the record on data and technology issues
By Frances G. Burwell , Andrea García Rodríguez - 20/04/2023
Transatlantic affairs / POLICY BRIEF
How the EU and the US should overcome their trade and supply chain disputes
By Georg Riekeles , Charles Lichfield - 05/12/2022


Transatlantic affairs / INTERVIEW
Interview with AFP
Marta Mucznik was interviewed by AFP (German service) on the notion of a geopolitical European Union and the effects of the US midterm elections on transatlantic affairs.

18 November 2022 - ,
AFP (German service)
Transatlantic affairs / INTERVIEW
Biden’s climate plan strains trade ties with Europe
Georg Riekeles was interviewed by CNN Business on the transatlantic economic partnership, the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act, and the likelihood of a US - EU trade war.

Read the full article here.

06 December 2022 - ,
CNN Business
Transatlantic affairs / QUOTE
Welke Europese bedrijven vallen voor de groene miljarden van Joe Biden?
The Dutch newspaper NRC quoted Philipp Lausberg in an article on the effects of the US Inflation Reduction Act on the EU economy. 

Read the full article here. (In Dutch)

30 December 2022 - ,
Transatlantic affairs / INTERVIEW
Interview with ARA
Philipp Lausberg was interviewed by the Catalan daily newspaper ARA on the European Union's reaction to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). 

Read the article here. (In Catalan)

26 January 2023 - ,

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