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Matteo Gorgoni
Programme Assistant
Matteo Gorgoni is a Programme Assistant in the European Politics and Institutions Programme at the European Policy Center, focusing on enlargement, the Western Balkans, and treaty reform.

Prior to joining, he worked as an intern at the European Institute of Peace, as a Schuman trainee at the European Parliament, and as a Political Affairs and Partnerships intern at the United Nations. His semi-professional and volunteer experience spans the academia, journalism and the international civil society with a focus on Eastern Europe, foreign affairs, democratic governance, and EU-Switzerland relations.

Matteo holds a postgraduate Master of Arts in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies from the College of Europe (Bruges) and is currently an active member of the Académie Notre Europe at the Jacques Delors Institute.

He previously studied Political Science, Philosophy, and Linguistics in Lausanne, and regularly collaborates with research journals, newsletters, and third institutions on topics related to EU affairs, geopolitics, conflict resolution, and institutional effectiveness.

Since 2023, he has been founding the European Peace and Security Advocacy Network (EPSAN), which he initially developed as a Fellow Member of the Learning Journey into Leadership for Young Changemakers programme hosted by the Swiss Confederation.


European Politics and Institutions


Task Force on EU Enlargement, EP Elections Task Force

Areas of expertise

EU enlargement, Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, EU institutions and governance, EU foreign policy and external action, conflict resolution and peacebuilding

Current positions

Programme Assistant


M.A. in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe, Eliane Vogel-Polsky Promotion
M.A. in Political Science, University of Lausanne
B.A. in Philosophy and Linguistics, University of Lausanne


English, French, Italian, Spanish (basic), German (basic)


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