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Chief Executive and Chief Economist 
Europe’s political economy, Future of Europe, EU relationship with third countries, transnational think tank cooperation
Senior Policy Analyst
EU economic governance, banking and financial policy, energy policy, industrial policy, the single market, politics and economics of Russia and Eastern Europe


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Single market / OP-ED
Switzerland’s Brexit Moment
By Georg Riekeles - 15/06/2021
Single market / COMMENTARY
The end of the level playing field?
By Fabian Zuleeg - 01/10/2020
Single market / DISCUSSION PAPER
Making the Single Market work: Launching a 2022 masterplan for Europe
By Malcolm Harbour , Johan Bjerkem - 28/08/2019
Single market / COMMENTARY
An EU New Year’s resolution: Keep boosting the Single Market
By Malcolm Harbour , Johan Bjerkem - 07/12/2018


Single market / CONSULTATION
Meeting with the Icelandic EEA Committee
Johan Bjerkem met with a government appointed Committee investigating Iceland’s membership of the European Economic Area

31 January 2019 - Brussels, Belgium,
Embassy of Iceland in Brussels
Single market / ROUNDTABLE
An Industry Action Plan for the EU: better outcomes together
Johan Bjerkem acted as a guest speaker on a panel debating EU industrial policy

26 March 2019 - Madrid, Spain,
Elcano Royal Institute
Single market / CONFERENCE
Setting the scene for an industrial vision for 2030 and beyond
Johan Bjerkem moderated and contributed to two panel discussions on EU industrial policy

09 April 2019 - Brussels,
Romanian EU Presidency and Industry4Europe Coalition
Single market / CONFERENCE
European champions vs. hidden champions: What's the future of European Industry?
Johan Bjerkem acted as a guest speaker on a panel debating EU industrial policy

19 June 2019 - Brussels,

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