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European Union / To the Point
Europe’s global loneliness
By Almut Möller - 05/02/2025
European Union / To the Point
Straighten up, Europe!
By Georg Riekeles - 22/01/2025
European Union / To the Point
The Death of the Brussels Effect
By Fabian Zuleeg - 15/01/2025
European Union / COMMENTARY
Europe’s recruitment drive
By Andrew Duff - 05/06/2019


European Union / ROUNDTABLE
European elections 2019
Janis A. Emmanouilidis spoke at Business Europe on the outlook for Europe in the run-up to the European elections in 2019.

01 January 0001 - , Belgique/Belgie
Business Europe
Single market / CONFERENCE
Challenges and Lessons for a post-Brexit EU
Johan Bjerkem participated in a panel discussion on the impact of Brexit on the future of the Single Market and EU cooperation

16 October 2019 - Brussels,
Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
European Union / CONFERENCE
EU policies towards the Western Balkans and Western Balkans policies towards the EU
Corina Stratulat spoke at “Eastern Europe goes South? Central Eastern Europe and the integration of the Western Balkans” public conference, organised by Central European University, Political Capital and the Institute for Human Sciences in Budapest, about EU policies towards the Western Balkans and Western Balkans policies towards the EU.

05 February 2020 - Hungary ,
Central European University, Political Capital and the Institute for Human Sciences
Brussels my love?: New EU medicine rules, artificial intelligence and fast fashion
Danielle Brady participated in Euronews' talk show, "Brussels, my love?". The programme focused on the Pharma Package, the EU's strategy towards Artificial Intelligence, and the issue of fast fashion. 

Watch the full episode here.

29 April 2023 - ,

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